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// Meet Your Local Girl Gang Member - Emma Picks //

This week The Rebel Girls Club welcomes Emma to the GIRL GANG.

Emma Picks is a Lifestyle Blogger and she also Co-Founded Hey. Bloggers, a community of bloggers and creatives in Hull. Emma recently rebranded and was originally known as The Pin Picker so I really wanted to check in and see how everything is going because after all, #womensupportingwomen is what it's all about!

One of the best things about setting up The Rebel Girls Club has been the realisation that there are multiple talented, driven and down-right awesome females in our city! I was originally inspired by a few of the badass women in my own personal life and then things just kinda escalated...

I realised then that I am literally surrounded by amazing women who are there to be appreciated and heard. This kind of positivity and embracement of life (good or bad) is one of the reasons I enjoy visiting Emma's blog and insta so much... This, and the fact that she's a fellow pinterest junkie like me.

No topic is off bounds with Emma and she also loves getting involved in the Hull community and check out what's going on in our city! This girl deserves our support and I am delighted to publish an interview with her below. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did. 

Hi Emma, 

So I have followed your blog for a while now and originally knew you as the Pin Picker. I love all your rebranding though and thought it would be the ideal time to grab a quick interview with you… Tell us more about yourself, you’re blog and your day job?

Thank you!

I’m a Hull born girl who works/studies in education, mainly towards student experience. When I’m not working or writing for my blog, I’m usually found in café’s drinking coffee or tea and taking photos! My background is in technical theatre, so sometimes I help out on productions (when I’m able to!) or judge on Rock Challenge competitions – but if there’s an opportunity to organise an event then I’m totally down for it!

Emma Picks is a variety of anything that pops into my head – be it from being personal to writing reviews. It’s an opportunity for me to be expressive and creative on my terms. I’m really excited with the rebranding and gives me an opportunity to be more flexible with what I blog about!

What I love most about your blog, is the variety of topics you cover, from Travel to eco-friendly products to dealing with anxiety... What inspired you to start writing about your own experiences?

My blog started off as a hobby based on my love for Pinterest, but over the years I’ve started to explore beyond Pinterest and it’s led on to exciting projects.

In recent years, I started branching out to being a bit more personal, as I went through a difficult patch and I found that writing down my thoughts and experiences was helping me come to terms with a lot of things. Plus it’s a great opportunity to reflect on my experiences, but it’s also having the opportunity to share it with anyone who reads the posts and can relate to them in their own way.

So you’re the Co-Founder of Hey Bloggers, a community for bloggers and creatives in Hull. Can you tell us some more about this?

HEY. Bloggers is an inclusive community for anyone who’s interested in blogging, being creative – whether that be just starting out to doing it for many years. The main thing is that the community supports everyone who gets involved and have the opportunity to network. The idea started off with a group of us meeting up for coffee and photos, where we would have such a laugh and support each other.
When I first started blogging, I felt so isolated and wasn’t sure who else was out there locally. I only went to one blog event in Hull and as much as it was a great event, I felt that there was a gap between myself and experienced bloggers. Upon talking to others when we started meeting up for coffee, I realised that I wasn’t the only one feeling like this, and thought HEY. Bloggers was a great opportunity to encourage anyone to get involved.

Since HEY. Bloggers started, we’ve had some great opportunities which we’ve been lucky to share with others around Hull and East Yorkshire. Such experiences have been having an exclusive tour around Bonus Arena prior to its opening, a photography workshop with Olivia J Photography, our HEY. Bloggers Launch at Hull Minster and getting involved with Vittles and Company’s Food and Beer trail (which you can find in Trinity Market!)

Our next event is the Christmas Party at DoubleTree by the Hilton, Hull (December 15th) but we’re already discussing ideas and exciting projects for the new year, so watch this space!

I know you recently rebranded your blog (which I love!)  Do you have any advice for people, like myself, who are fairly new to the blogging world and looking to turn their ideas into a successful brand/blog?

My first piece of advice is don’t compare yourself to other blogs. Be true to what you want to blog about and give it a go. I know that over the years, I made a lot of mistakes but you learn from them and it helps you to grow.

My second piece of advice is get involved in as many blogging networks, both online and in the local community. It can be daunting joining in, especially with those who may have been doing it a long time, but you have to remember that they also started off in the same position as you! Plus there’s a lot of opportunities for you to get involved with – be it writing about a game or collaborating with another blogger!

And finally, I know that blogging as helped me to feel empowered and supported by other women in our community.  What do you get out of writing your blog and running/organising events for Hey Bloggers in Hull?

Not only have I felt empowered to write blogs and help on events for HEY. Bloggers on a personal level, but knowing that I’m helping others on a various level is something that I love doing, and it gives me a real buzz! Plus I love meeting new people – I’ve made some amazing friends while blogging, and I love seeing other bloggers being supportive to each other.

// Cheers Emma for answering my questions and welcome to the gang //


Social Media links for Emma Picks and HEY. Bloggers here:

Facebook: HEY Bloggers (Facebook group)

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